Thursday, March 23, 2023

What is a pre-listing appraisal anyway?

Fair Market Appraisals

Hello again, Chicago! It's Fair Market Mike, and today I want to talk about something that's crucial for anyone looking to sell their home: a pre-listing appraisal.

A pre-listing appraisal is an appraisal that is performed before a home is listed for sale. The purpose of this type of appraisal is to provide the seller with an accurate and objective assessment of their home's value, based on a thorough analysis of market data and property-specific factors.

There are several benefits to getting a pre-listing appraisal. For one, it can help ensure that you price your home correctly from the outset, which can help attract more potential buyers and ultimately lead to a faster sale. In addition, a pre-listing appraisal can help you avoid overpricing your home, which can lead to it sitting on the market for an extended period of time and ultimately selling for less than it's worth.

Another benefit of a pre-listing appraisal is that it can help identify any issues or concerns with the property that may impact its value. This can include anything from outdated features to significant damage or needed repairs. By identifying these issues early on, you can take steps to address them before listing your home for sale, which can help increase its overall value and make it more attractive to potential buyers.

As an appraiser, my job is to provide an accurate and objective valuation of your property, based on a thorough analysis of market data and property-specific factors. This includes taking into account any unique features or amenities that may impact the property's value, as well as any issues or concerns that may need to be addressed before listing the home for sale.

It's important to note that a pre-listing appraisal is not the same as a home inspection. While a home inspection is focused on identifying any structural or mechanical issues with the property, a pre-listing appraisal is focused on providing an accurate valuation of the property based on market data and other relevant factors.

If you're considering selling your home, I highly recommend getting a pre-listing appraisal. It can help you price your home correctly, identify any issues or concerns that may impact its value, and ultimately lead to a faster and more profitable sale.

So give me a call - Fair Market Mike. I'm here to help ensure that you get an accurate and objective assessment of your property's value, and to help you sell your home with confidence and peace of mind.

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Monday, March 20, 2023

Do solar improve my home value? Get the inside info from a home appraiser!

Fair Market Appraisals

Hey there, Chicago! 

It's your friendly neighborhood appraiser, Fair Market Mike, and today I want to talk about an increasingly popular home upgrade that can have a big impact on your home's value: solar panels!

If you've been considering installing solar panels on your home, you're not alone. According to recent data, the number of U.S. homes with solar panels has skyrocketed in recent years, and for good reason. Solar panels can help you save money on your energy bills, reduce your carbon footprint, and even improve the value of your home.

That's right - installing solar panels can actually increase the value of your home, and as an appraiser, I can tell you that this is not just some trendy myth. Studies have shown that homes with solar panels tend to sell for more than homes without, and that the value of those solar panels can actually appreciate over time.

So how exactly do solar panels impact your home's value? Well, for starters, they can help you save money on your energy bills, which can be a big selling point for potential buyers. In addition, homes with solar panels are often seen as more environmentally friendly and energy efficient, which can be a big selling point in today's green-minded real estate market.

But beyond just the financial considerations, solar panels can also add to your home's curb appeal and overall aesthetic. With so many different styles and designs to choose from, solar panels can be a stylish and functional addition to any home, and can help set your property apart from others on the market.

Of course, as with any home improvement project, it's important to do your homework and make sure you're working with a reputable installer who can help you get the most out of your solar panel investment. And as an appraiser, I can tell you that it's important to keep detailed records and documentation of your solar panel installation, including information on the system's energy production, maintenance, and warranties.

At the end of the day, installing solar panels can be a great way to improve your home's value, save money on your energy bills, and do your part for the environment. So if you're considering making the switch to solar, give me a call - Fair Market Mike, your friendly neighborhood appraiser and solar panel enthusiast!

Until next time, keep shining, Chicago!

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Thursday, March 16, 2023

Real Estate Tax Appraisals - What to Know!

Fair Market Appraisals

Hello there, Chicago! Today I want to talk about something that's no laughing matter - property taxes. Specifically, the importance of an accurate tax appeal appraisal.

Let's face it, nobody likes paying property taxes. But unfortunately, they're a necessary evil that we all have to deal with. And when it comes to property taxes, accuracy is key. That's where an accurate tax appeal appraisal comes in.

You see, the amount of property taxes you pay is based on the assessed value of your property. And if your property is assessed at a higher value than it's actually worth, you could be paying more in taxes than you should be. That's where a tax appeal appraisal comes in - it can help you get a more accurate assessment of your property's value, which can ultimately lead to lower property taxes.

But let's be real, appealing your property taxes can be a headache. It's a time-consuming process that requires a lot of paperwork and patience. And if you're not careful, you could end up with an inaccurate appraisal that could actually lead to higher taxes.

That's where I come in - Fair Market Mike. I can help ensure that you get an accurate tax appeal appraisal that reflects the true value of your property, so you can appeal your property taxes with confidence and peace of mind.

But here's the funny part - appealing your property taxes can be a bit like going to the dentist. Nobody wants to do it, but it's necessary for your overall health (and financial well-being). And just like going to the dentist, you want to make sure you're in good hands. That's why you can trust me, Fair Market Value, to provide you with an accurate and objective appraisal that reflects the true value of your property.

So if you're tired of overpaying in property taxes, give me a call. I'll help you get an accurate tax appeal appraisal that can save you money and put a smile on your face. And who knows, maybe we'll even have a good laugh along the way!

Until next time, Chicago - stay fair and stay funny!

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Sunday, March 12, 2023

How to get an Accurate Appraisal of an Estate Settlement.

Fair Market Appraisals

Hello, friends! Fair Market Mike here. Today I want to talk to you about something that is often overlooked but incredibly important - the accurate appraisal of an estate settlement.

Losing a loved one is never easy, and the process of settling their estate can be overwhelming. There are so many things to take care of - from dividing assets to paying off debts. And when it comes to dividing up real estate, an accurate appraisal is crucial.

An estate settlement appraisal is used to determine the fair market value of a property at the time of the owner's death. This value is then used to determine how the property will be divided among the heirs or beneficiaries. If the appraisal is inaccurate, it can lead to disputes among family members or even legal battles.

That's where I come in. I have years of experience providing accurate and objective appraisals for estate settlements. I understand the importance of getting an appraisal that reflects the true value of the property, and I work diligently to ensure that my appraisals are as accurate as possible.

But why is an accurate appraisal so important for an estate settlement? Well, first and foremost, it ensures that each beneficiary receives their fair share of the property. It also helps to avoid disputes among family members, which can be especially important during a difficult time.

An accurate estate settlement appraisal can also help to minimize the tax burden on the estate. When a property is inherited, it's subject to estate taxes based on its fair market value. If the value is inflated, it can result in higher taxes for the estate and its beneficiaries.

In short, an accurate estate settlement appraisal is crucial for a fair and smooth distribution of assets. And when it comes to appraisals, you can trust me, Fair Market Mike, to provide you with an accurate and objective valuation that reflects the true value of the property.

So if you're going through the difficult process of settling an estate and need an appraisal, give me a call. I'll work with you to provide an appraisal that is fair, accurate, and reliable.

Until next time, Chicago - stay fair and stay strong.

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Thursday, March 9, 2023

Need a Divorce Appraisals? Get the inside info from an appraiser!

Fair Market Appraisals

Hello there, Chicago! It's Fair Market Mike, your friendly neighborhood appraiser, and today I want to talk about a topic that can be sensitive but is still incredibly important: divorce appraisals.

Divorce can be a difficult and emotional process, but it's important to ensure that both parties involved receive a fair and equitable distribution of marital assets, including the family home. And that's where an accurate divorce appraisal comes in.

As an appraiser, my job is to provide an unbiased and objective valuation of a property, based on a thorough analysis of market data and property-specific factors. In the case of a divorce appraisal, this can involve a number of different considerations, including the condition of the property, recent sales of comparable properties in the area, and any unique features or amenities that may impact the property's value.

An accurate divorce appraisal is crucial for a number of reasons. For one, it can help ensure that both parties receive a fair distribution of the home's value, which can be a major asset in any divorce settlement. In addition, a divorce appraisal can help both parties understand the true value of the property, which can be helpful when making decisions about whether to keep the home or sell it and divide the proceeds.

Of course, it's important to work with an experienced and qualified appraiser who is familiar with the unique challenges of divorce appraisals. A divorce appraisal can be more complex than a standard home appraisal, and may require additional research and documentation to ensure that the appraisal is accurate and defensible.

And as with any appraisal, it's important to be honest and transparent with your appraiser. Be sure to provide any relevant information about the property and its condition, and make sure to disclose any issues or concerns that may impact the property's value. Remember, the goal of a divorce appraisal is to provide an accurate and unbiased valuation of the property - and the more information your appraiser has, the better equipped they will be to do just that.

So if you're going through a divorce and need a reliable and accurate appraisal of your property, give me a call - Fair Market Mike, your friendly neighborhood appraiser. I'm here to help ensure that both parties receive a fair and equitable distribution of their marital assets, and to help you move forward with confidence and peace of mind.

Until next time, Chicago - stay strong and stay fair!

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Monday, March 6, 2023

Honesty in appraisals

Fair Market Appraisals

Honesty in Real Estate Appraisals

Hello, my friends! Fair Market Mike here, and today I want to talk to you about honesty in appraisals.

As a real estate appraiser, my job is to determine the fair market value of a property. And let me tell you, the key word there is "fair". It's not my job to inflate the value of a property just to make a client happy, nor is it my job to underestimate the value just to make a deal go through.

Fair market value is all about honesty and accuracy. It's the price that a willing buyer and a willing seller would agree upon in an open and fair market. And as an appraiser, it's my responsibility to provide an unbiased opinion of that value based on my experience, knowledge, and research.

So, to sum it up - honesty and accuracy are key when it comes to appraisals. As Fair Market Mike, I pride myself on providing fair and honest valuations, and I'll never compromise that integrity for anyone. After all, that's what fair market value truly means to me.

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Friday, March 3, 2023

Improve the value of your home BEFORE the appraisal.

Fair Market Appraisals

Fair Market Mike, back with some tips on how to improve the value of your property before an appraisal.

First and foremost, you want to make sure your property is clean and decluttered. Getting rid of any unnecessary junk can go a long way. 

Next, it's time to make any minor repairs that need to be done.  Take care of the basics, like fixing leaky faucets or replacing any broken windows and replacing old carpet with hardwood floors.

Of course, we can't forget about curb appeal. You know what they say - you never get a second chance to make a first impression. So, make sure the outside of your property looks just as good as the inside. Add some fresh landscaping, paint the front door, or even just give the outside of the property a good wash. 

And last but not least, gather any documentation that might be useful to me.  Having receipts for recent repairs or renovations, as well as any blueprints or plans for additions or upgrades you've made, can help me get a better idea of the work you've put into the property. 

So, there you have it - some tips on how to improve the value of your property before an appraisal. And if you need any more advice, just give me a call. After all, I'm Fair Market Mike.

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Fair Market Mike's Appraisal Advise

Fair Market Appraisals

Hey there, folks! Fair Market Mike here, and today I want to talk to you about something that can strike fear into the heart of even the bravest property owner: the appraisal.

I get it - having someone come in and evaluate your property can be nerve-wracking. You might worry that they'll find something wrong with your home or business, or that they'll value it at a lower price than you were hoping for. But the truth is, there's nothing to be afraid of when it comes to an appraisal. In fact, getting a professional valuation of your property can actually be a great thing for you and your investment.

First of all, let's talk about what an appraisal actually is. At its core, an appraisal is simply an evaluation of your property's value. This is done by taking into account a variety of factors, including the property's size, location, condition, and comparable sales in the area. It's an objective assessment that's meant to give you an accurate idea of what your property is worth in the current market.

Now, I know it can be scary to think that someone is going to come in and scrutinize your property like that. But the truth is, an appraisal is actually a very helpful tool. For one thing, it can give you a sense of where your property stands in relation to others in the area. This can be especially useful if you're thinking about selling your property, as it can help you price it appropriately and attract the right buyers.

But even if you're not planning on selling anytime soon, an appraisal can still be valuable. Knowing the true value of your property can help you make informed decisions about things like refinancing, renovating, or investing in other properties. It can also give you peace of mind, knowing that you're not overestimating the worth of your investment.

So, what can you do to make the most of your appraisal? Well, first of all, choose a reputable appraiser who has experience in your area. Look for someone who's licensed and certified, and who will give you an honest and objective evaluation of your property.

Next, be prepared. Make sure your property is clean and well-maintained, and be ready to answer any questions the appraiser might have about its history or features. Remember, the appraiser isn't there to judge you - they're just trying to get an accurate picture of your property's value.

Finally, don't be afraid to ask questions. If there's something you don't understand about the appraisal process, or if you have concerns about the results, speak up! A good appraiser will be happy to explain things to you and address any issues you might have.

At the end of the day, an appraisal is just another tool in your property investment toolbox. It's nothing to be afraid of - in fact, it can be incredibly helpful in ensuring that you're making the most of your investment. So, take a deep breath, relax, and let a professional like me take a look at your property. You might just be pleasantly surprised by what you learn!

Chicago Appraisals - Home of the Blues


Fair Market Appraisals

Greetings, Chicagoans! It's your friendly neighborhood appraiser, Fair Market Mike, and today I want to talk about two of my favorite things: Appraisals and Blues music!

You see, Chicago is not only the birthplace of the blues, but it's also a city with a rich history of real estate. And as an appraiser, I'm lucky enough to combine my two passions on a daily basis!

But enough about me, let's talk about one of the greatest blues musicians of all time - Buddy Guy. This guy (no pun intended) is a legend in the music industry, and he's been bringing his unique sound to the Windy City for over six decades.

Buddy Guy's music is like an appraisal in itself - it's all about finding the value in something that may not be obvious at first glance. Just like I assess the value of a property based on its condition, location, and market trends, Buddy Guy finds the value in everyday experiences and turns them into musical masterpieces.

And when it comes to Chicago real estate, there's no shortage of value to be found. From the iconic Willis Tower to the cozy bungalows of Beverly, every property has a story to tell. And as an appraiser, I'm here to make sure that story is told accurately and fairly.

So whether you're jamming out to Buddy Guy at his famous blues club on South Wabash or getting your property appraised by yours truly, remember that it's all about finding the value in the things that matter. Because in Chicago, just like in the blues, every little thing counts.

Until next time, keep on jamming and keep on appraising!

-Fair Market Mike

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Appraisal History

Fair Market Appraisals

Hey there, my fellow Chicagoans! Fair Market Mike here, and I'm ready to take you on a wild ride through the history of real estate in our beloved city. 

Back in the 1800s, Chicago was just a small town with a big dream. People were snatching up land left and right, building homes and businesses faster than you could say "Chicago-style pizza." And with the opening of the Illinois and Michigan Canal, the city's population exploded like a deep-dish pizza exploding with cheese.

As Chicago grew, so did its real estate market. And let me tell you, there were some wild developments along the way. Take the "L" train, for example. It was like a rollercoaster through the city, and it transformed the way people could live and work in the Windy City. Of course, it also transformed the way people could hear each other, thanks to the screeching sound of the trains overhead.

But the real estate market wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. The Great Chicago Fire of 1871 destroyed much of the city's infrastructure, including many homes and businesses. But as the saying goes, when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. And in Chicago, when life gave us fire, we built even taller buildings and sparked a new era of architecture.

Fast forward to today, and the real estate market in Chicago is hot. From Lincoln Park to the Loop, there's something for everyone. And as an appraiser, it's my job to make sure that every property is valued fairly and accurately, whether it's a charming bungalow or a sleek high-rise.

So there you have it, folks - a brief history of Chicago real estate. And if you need an appraisal, you know who to call - Fair Market Mike.

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Thursday, March 2, 2023

Top 10 things to know about Real Estate Appraisals!

Fair Market Appraisals

Real Estate Appraisals

Top 10 things to know!

1) Location: Think about it, would you want to live next door to a landfill or a loud factory? Probably not, and neither would most homebuyers. A good appraiser considers factors like the neighborhood, amenities, and schools, but also keeps an eye out for any potential environmental hazards.

2) Size and layout: The bigger the house, the bigger the price tag, right? Well, not necessarily. The appraiser should always take note of the size and layout of the property, including the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, to determine its value

3) Condition: Just like how we all want to look our best when we're trying to impress someone, a property needs to be in good condition to fetch a good price. The appraiser should be on the lookout for any signs of wear and tear, damage, or necessary repairs.

4) Renovations and upgrades: We all love a good renovation story, but not all upgrades are created equal. The appraiser should consider the quality of the upgrades, when they were made, and the cost of the upgrades to determine their impact on the property's value.

5) Comparable properties: You know what they say, comparison is the thief of joy. But in the world of real estate appraisal, comparison is key. The appraiser should compare the property to similar properties in the area that have sold recently to determine the fair market value.

6) Market trends: The market can be a fickle beast, with trends that come and go faster than fashion trends. The appraiser should keep an eye on current market trends in the local real estate market, including supply and demand, interest rates, and economic factors.

7) Zoning and restrictions: If only life were as simple as "anything goes," right? Unfortunately, zoning restrictions and other legal limitations can impact the property's value. The appraiser should consider any such restrictions in their appraisal.

8) Overall appeal: We all love a little bit of curb appeal, the overall appeal of the property can impact its value. The appraiser should consider the design, landscaping, and other aesthetic features that may make the property more appealing to potential buyers.

9) Age of the property: Just like how we all age over time, so do properties. The age of the property can impact its value, as older properties may require more maintenance and repairs. Your appraiser should consider the age of the property and any potential age-related issues.

10) Unique features: Finally, sometimes it's the little things that can make a big impact. Unique features like a swimming pool, fireplace, or custom finishes can add value to a property. The appraiser should take note of any unique features that may make the property stand out in the market. 

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  The impact of solar panels on home value can vary based on several factors, including location, market conditions, and individual buyer pr...